Intended Audience

These pages are intended to be used by developers who are adding the Apply With DaXtra widget to a page or who are analysing its technical capabilities. For a sales demo please contact our sales team.


To add the Apply With DaXtra widget to your page you will need :

Use Case

There are two display modes currently supported by the Appy With DaXtra widget :
  1. Embedded: The widget is permanently displayed on the page.
  2. Popup: Widget that only appears on an application attempt.
In either case on receiving data from social media or a parsed resume the widget passes the data to a callback which you supply. At which point you can use the data to fill in a form on your page or otherwise handle it.

Example of usage

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    var config = {
        selector: "#myJQuerySelector",
        onSuccess: function (response) {
            //handle response here to populate forms etc
    var awd = new ApplyWithDaxtra(jwt,config);

<div id="myJQuerySelector"/>


The Apply With DaXtra widget currently supports the following sources :

Source Name for Config Type Description
Local File
Resume Picker Pick a Resume from local storage
Resume Picker Pick a Resume from cloud service
Social Media Load details as saved on Social Media
Google Drive
Resume Picker Pick a Resume from cloud service
Manual Application
Social Media Call onSuccess with blank resume data
Resume Picker Pick a Resume from cloud service
Apply With Seek
Resume Picker Load details and Resume from seek.
This requires passing your seek advertiserId.
Please contact DaXtra Support for details

Sources Config

To change which sources are available you can pass an array of sources in your config :
    var myConfig = {
        sources : ["dropbox","device"],

Output Format

The Apply With DaXtra returns the following data :

    var myConfig = {
    onSuccess: function (response) {  // Called everytime when widget gets response from any social media or DaXtra parsing server
    * response contains :
    *  resumeData : structured Resume data
    *  source : name of the source the data came from
    *  binary : (optional) binary version of resume as string
    *  name : (optional) name of the original resume file


Config Options

There are two places you can set the config for the Apply With DaXtra widget :

If the same config option is set in both places, the one in the jwt hash will take priority.

The following items can be set in the config :
Config Name Type Description
Callback This is the main method that is used to pass back any problems from the Apply With DaXtra widget to your page.
Optional settings
String This is the location where the widget will be rendered. It should be a jquery selector that will return a single location.
Not needed if using autoForm.
Callback This is the main method that is used to pass back candidate / resume information from the Apply With DaXtra widget to your page.
Not needed if using autoForm.

This method will be called at the start of various steps. The call back will be passed a hash that contains : "state" and "detail".

state will be one of : "click" or "parse"

detail will contain details relevant to that action.


This method will be called when the application is sent for submission to capture.

Object param will be data of candidate

Return the object


States the behaviour after the candidate has successfully returned from Capture.

Value should be of 'refresh' or URL to be redirected to.

Array of Strings This allows you to choose which sources will be displayed on the Apply With DaXtra widget. If not passed all possible sources are added.
String This allows options to be passed to the underlying DaXtra Parsing engine. If only contact information is needed use "-pers_only".
Boolean This will parse any CV in two phases. The first phase brings back basic contact information quickly. The second phase brings back full profile information. In this case your "onSuccess" method should be called twice with an additional "phase=1" or "phase=2" value.
String Auto-generates a form in the given element. example: '#apply_form' with the code:
<form id='apply_form'></form>
Hash Options for autoForm population
Boolean Should Daxtra auto-populate the generated form?
Integer The amount of columns in the generated form.

This callback will receive the returned json vacancies data. The call back will be passed a hash that contains : "Result"

Result is an array of vacancies

If this is not used, ApplyWithDaxtra will generate html in the given element provided in: matchVacanciesOptions.element

Boolean Should match candidate to vacancies?
Hash Options for matching vacancies
Integer The element that the vacancy list should be inserted in to.
Not needed if using onMatchVacancies.
Integer The amount of vacancies to be returned.


If you are a DaXtra client which has purchased the Apply With DaXtra widget and are experiencing issues please contact DaXtra Support