Helper Methods

The Apply With DaXtra widget has various built in helper methods to make processing the structured resume data easier to handle


Type Description
ApplyWithDaxtra.flatten( data )
Takes in a structured data object such as a resumeData object returned to the onSuccess callback and flattens it. This can be useful when mapping resume data to fields as you don't have to then handle various parts of the structure being missing in some circumstances.
ApplyWithDaxtra.simpleSkillsFilter( competencies )

By default DaXtra parsing will return all compentencies from an extracted profile. This method gives you the most likely set of skills and qualifications that you will want.

This takes in an array of competancies such as from
and filters them to the most like subset that you will want.
ApplyWithDaxtra.topSkillNames( number, competencies )
This takes in an array of competancies such as from
sorts and maps them to return the top "X" skills, where "X" is the number passed.